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Timbalé Foundation

We empower young people using art as a driving force for peace, well-being, leadership and community.

Nearly 3 million young people in Colombia have no training or employment opportunities.

This stage of the life cycle is characterized by change, vulnerability, the development of self-esteem and a sense of belonging. Therefore, it is crucial to strengthen narratives in them that dignify life and allow them to develop their full potential.

Diseño sin título (43).png

How do we work?

Dance and song act as powerful social catalysts, fostering cooperation, communication and resilience, while strengthening identity.

We work from three approaches:

Estefanía lidera a los jóvenes de la C1

Strengthening skills

Strengthening talents and soft and leadership skills in young people, to generate positive and significant changes in their life narratives that impact their personal and community environments, using art as a tool.

Bailemos Juntos en Parques del Río

Spaces for well-being, expression and healthy fun

Creation of cultural spaces and experiences for healthy recreation that allow for the construction of positive social fabric, contributing to the physical, social and emotional well-being and therefore to the mental health of young people and the community.

Celebración Casinera

Creating connections and synergies

Generating connections between people, organizations and communities to create synergies that positively impact the lives of young people and their territories through art and culture.

Learn about our programs

Timbalé Social Empowerment Route
Let's Dance Together

In these programs, we connect the artistic dimension with the personal and social development of young people, strengthening soft skills and leadership from self-knowledge, using Salsa Rueda de Casino as a creative tool to build collective proposals.

Where is Timbalé?

Our Impact


Young people inspired by our free training programs and activities


Free training hours for young people.

People of all ages have enjoyed and learned in our spaces for training and artistic projection.



Artists have been part of our team as teachers, facilitators or members of artistic projection groups.


Lives indirectly impacted

Bienvenidos a Timbalé

Are you between 14 and 28 years old? Stay tuned for our calls.

Join our spaces and experiences and become a protagonist of the change we want to see in the world. We are waiting for you!

In the voice of the youth

In the words of our allies

Como Grupo Recordar, nos enorgullece asociarnos con organizaciones comprometidas con el cambio social y el impacto comunitario. Es por eso que expresamos nuestra satisfacción al trabajar con la Organización Social Timbalé. Desde el primer día de nuestra colaboración, hemos sido testigos del trabajo que Timbalé realiza en las comunidades que sirve. Su enfoque innovador, creativo y orientado a resultados ha demostrado ser un verdadero catalizador para el cambio positivo y, definitivamente, nos hemos sentido inspirados por su dedicación en el trabajo de empoderamiento de las comunidades a través del arte, del baile. La transparencia y la comunicación abierta que hemos experimentado al trabajar con Timbalé han sido excepcionales. Su equipo está compuesto por individuos apasionados y comprometidos que no solo están impulsados por una misión noble, sino que también demuestran una habilidad excepcional para colaborar y adaptarse a los desafíos en constante evolución. Nuestra experiencia de trabajo con Timbalé ha sido gratificante y enriquecedora. No solo nos sentimos orgullosos de trabajar mancomunadamente con ellos, sino que también hemos tenido la oportunidad de aprender a lo largo de este viaje compartido. Estamos ansiosos por continuar nuestra colaboración y ser parte del cambio positivo que impulsan en el país”. ​Catalina Paez Prieto Gerente Nal. de Asuntos Corporativos GRUPO RECORDAR

Support our cause

Your support allows us to continue creating spaces for art, culture and well-being for everyone. Thank you for listening to our story.

Talk later?

Write to us at:
Cell/WhatsApp (+57) 3138166743 | (+57) 3192405403

Thank you for your message!

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